Hi All,
I have been trying to get my following code working for almost 4 days
and glad if you could help me.
Basically what I want to do is to use liquid ‘include’ tag
I’m getting this error
Liquid error: No such template ‘test’
my code is as follows
in my app/views/page/index.erb
file_system = Liquid::LocalFileSystem.new("/page/")
full_file_path = file_system.full_path(“test”)
Liquid::Template.file_system =
<%@template = Liquid::Template.parse(@page) %>
<%= raw @template.render(@liquid_snippets) %>
So let me explain above code,
I have a liquid partial at /app/views/page/_test.liquid
@page contains the code from the database and it includes the following
{% include ‘test’ %}
@liquid_snippets is a hash map which has other liquid variables Ex :
‘name’ => ‘jhon’
I’m using rails 3.0.0
Liquid 2.2.2
and on ubuntu
What am I missing here, can any one help please, thanks in advance