Linux distribution/architecture options


I’m getting a new server to run a rails app and was asked whether I
wanted a
64 bit or 32 bit machine. It will be running Fedora Core 3.

Needless to say I’m thinking 64 bit, but was concerned there might be
stability issues with Fedora and Rails on one or the other (or both?).
thoughts or relevant experiences?


On Wed, Aug 02, 2006 at 01:58:16PM -0400, Larry W. wrote:

I’m getting a new server to run a rails app and was asked whether I wanted a
64 bit or 32 bit machine. It will be running Fedora Core 3.

I’d recommend at least getting the latest Fedora.

Needless to say I’m thinking 64 bit, but was concerned there might be
stability issues with Fedora and Rails on one or the other (or both?). Any
thoughts or relevant experiences?

AMD64 works fine for us. Ruby doesn’t seem any less happy on it. I
speak to the distro, but if it’s unstable on amd64 I’d be surprised (and
recommend that you find another distro; getting amd64 stable shouldn’t
be a
tough job these days).

  • Matt

I have had problems getting Mongrel to work with Fedora Core 4.

However, it seems that FCGI could be the way in that case.
