Links on the left hand side - are components necessary?


Maybe this is super-trivial…
I need to have a list of links on the left hand side of my application,
for every single page.

So, I’ve created a layout called “main” (main.rhtml) under
view/layouts, and included >layout “main”< in pretty all of my

main.rhtml has, amongst all the other HTML stuff:

<%= render_component :controller=> ‘dli/extras’, :action=>

This is the component to display the links:

class Dli::ExtrasController < ApplicationController

def show_lookup_links
@links <<“Channels”, “/lookup/channel”, “index”)
@links <<“Password durations”,
“/lookup/password_duration”, “index”)
render :layout=>false


Now: the list of links will need to change according to the user’s
permission. So, there is quite a lot of logic involved here.

What are my options, if I don’t want to use components?

The only solution I can think of is to add a method to the general
application controller (application.rb). However, how do call such an
action from main.rhtml? It looks like I need to be able to specify
controller and action, which brings me back to components…

Can somebody please enlighten me? I feel that I am heading the wrong
way, and…



Components are going out of favour anyway so you’re best off with

<%= render :partial => ‘foo/bar’ %>

then in app/views/foo/_bar.rhtml you include your code. You can add the
logic into a before_filter method that creates an instance variable that
the partial can access.

You could also create a helper method in

def my_helper(options = {})

make code


Then you can just call it in your templates:
<%= my_helper :option1 => ‘foo’, :option2 => ‘bar’ %>

The first method is probably best though. If you’re generating a list
of links, i would create a before_filter in application_controller that
loads the links into a collection then pass this to the partial:

  • application_controller.rb
    before_filter :load_menu

def load_menu

load links into @links


  • main.rhtml
    <%= render :partial => 'link', :collection => @links %>
  • _link.rhtml
  • <%= link %>
  • Check out

    for more information about partials.

    Hope that helps,


    Tony M. wrote:


    Maybe this is super-trivial…
    I need to have a list of links on the left hand side of my application,
    for every single page.

    So, I’ve created a layout called “main” (main.rhtml) under
    view/layouts, and included >layout “main”< in pretty all of my

    main.rhtml has, amongst all the other HTML stuff:

    <%= render_component :controller=> ‘dli/extras’, :action=>

    This is the component to display the links:

    class Dli::ExtrasController < ApplicationController

    def show_lookup_links
    @links <<“Channels”, “/lookup/channel”, “index”)
    @links <<“Password durations”,
    “/lookup/password_duration”, “index”)
    render :layout=>false


    Now: the list of links will need to change according to the user’s
    permission. So, there is quite a lot of logic involved here.

    What are my options, if I don’t want to use components?

    The only solution I can think of is to add a method to the general
    application controller (application.rb). However, how do call such an
    action from main.rhtml? It looks like I need to be able to specify
    controller and action, which brings me back to components…

    Can somebody please enlighten me? I feel that I am heading the wrong
    way, and…



    On 6/7/06, Tony M. [email protected] wrote:

    def show_lookup_links
    @links <<“Channels”, “/lookup/channel”, “index”)
    @links <<“Password durations”,
    “/lookup/password_duration”, “index”)
    render :layout=>false

    This looks like trouble. You’re going to be better off if you use
    link_to() and let Rails build the paths that it needs. When I see
    “/lookup/channel” hardcoded it sets off warning bells.

    Can somebody please enlighten me? I feel that I am heading the wrong
    way, and…

    One thing that you could do to get away from using a component would
    be to put the common pieces of your nav as partials in
    /app/view/shared. Your layout(s) could then use this shared nav RHTML
    code as needed.

    – James

    On Wednesday, June 07, 2006, at 7:48 PM, Stephen B. wrote:

    loads the links into a collection then pass this to the partial:
    <%= render :partial => ‘link’, :collection => @links %>

    view/layouts, and included >layout “main”< in pretty all of my

    Rails mailing list
    [email protected]

    This is basically how I have done it. A partial to display the links.
    In my case, I am using the user_engine/login_engine combo, so all I have
    to do is run a query against the permissions table to get a list of
    actions that are allowed. It’s not perfect as it is because there are
    several actions that you really wouldn’t want users to call directly
    (i.e., an ‘edit’ action needs an id to work).

    Another approach would be to pre-generate a list of menu items and then
    use ‘link_if_authorized’ instead of ‘link_to’. This will make them show
    up only if the user has permission to access them (it’s included in the


    What’s wrong with just putting

    <%=link_to_unless_current “Home”, :controller=>“main”, :action=>“index”

    in your main.rhtml file

    If they’re always the same across all pages, why make the extra work?
    If you need them to be dynamically generated, then use render :partial
    as stated in an earlier post.


    def show_lookup_links
    @links <<“Channels”, “/lookup/channel”, “index”)
    @links <<“Password durations”,
    “/lookup/password_duration”, “index”)
    render :layout=>false

    This looks like trouble. You’re going to be better off if you use
    link_to() and let Rails build the paths that it needs. When I see
    “/lookup/channel” hardcoded it sets off warning bells.

    Oh no, it’s not. /lookup/channel is actually a contoller’s name which
    lives in a separate directory (I put a whole bunched of controllers
    under “lookup/…” and called them Lookup::ChannelController, for



    Brian H. wrote:

    What’s wrong with just putting

    <%=link_to_unless_current “Home”, :controller=>“main”, :action=>“index”

    in your main.rhtml file

    If they’re always the same across all pages, why make the extra work?

    From my post:

    “Now: the list of links will need to change according to the user’s
    permission. So, there is quite a lot of logic involved here.”

    If you need them to be dynamically generated, then use render :partial
    as stated in an earlier post.

    Yep - that’s exactly what I’m doing.
