Linking Woes

test123.rb:3: uninitialized constant Profile (NameError)

This is the error message I am getting. I have written a class Profile
which works just fine when I test it in Profile.rb. Whenever I go to
link that class in a new file, though, I get the above error.

test123’s contents:

load “Profile.rb”
t =
puts t.username

The latter two lines run perfectly well when after the Profile class
definition in Profile.rb

Any advice?

Wes wrote:

puts t.username

The latter two lines run perfectly well when after the Profile class
definition in Profile.rb

Any advice?

Hi Wes,

It might be easier to help you if you let us see the entire contents of
both files. Also, you might try testing it out in irb to see if that
sheds any more light on the issue.


Wes wrote:

Here ya go

I made two files, copied what you posted, and it worked fine.
Since the load command is working for you, the file is being loaded. Are
you perhaps loading a different copy of the file? That’s all I can think
You might try putting some command like

puts “I loaded!”

somewhere in the Profile.rb file (maybe at the end) to make sure it’s
actually being loaded.
Another thing to try is running ruby with the -d option to check for
less obvious problems.

On an unrelated topic, you can replace all the methods like

def username= (username)
@username = username
attr_accessor :username

Just like you used attr_reader.

Hope that helps somewhat.


Here ya go


class Profile

attr_reader :username, :height, :weight, :age, :activity_level,

@password #these field need never be read
@meta_calc_strategy # The means of calculating metabolic rate

@@male_gender = “Male”
@@female_gender = “Female”
@@max_activity_level = 5
#I have decided to implement a max_activity_level as I’ve noticed each
#scale for metabolic rate has its own definition of how active a
person can be.
#When making a Strategy for calculating metabolic rate, dividing the
#activity_level / max_activity_level will give you a percentage that
can be
#used to place a person within any specific class.

def initialize
puts 1

def username= (username)
@username = username
def password= (password)
@password = password
def weight= (weight)
@weight = weight
def height= (height)
@height = height
def age= (age)
@age = age
def activity_level= (a_l)
@activity_level = a_l
def gender= (gender)
@gender = gender
def meta_calc_strategy= (strategy)
@meta_calc_strategy = strategy

def get_target_calories



load “Profile.rb”

t =
puts t.username