I am new to ruby, so I need some help.
I want to use tk widgets when I teach ruby.
I have downloaded and installed the ruby-1.8.6-p110
distribution. When I tried to do the
“Hello World” window in ruby/tk, irb
could not find tk. I can find the tk directory
which is at:
Is there a shell variable I need to set that
contains where tk is? I couldn’t find much
help on google.
Thanks in advance
john slimick
[email protected]
On Nov 14, 2007, at 9:00 PM, John S. wrote:
I am new to ruby, so I need some help.
I want to use tk widgets when I teach ruby.
I have downloaded and installed the ruby-1.8.6-p110
distribution. When I tried to do the
“Hello World” window in ruby/tk, irb
could not find tk. I can find the tk directory
which is at:
That directory only contains the Ruby library that acts as a bridge
between Ruby and Tcl/Tk.
Is there a shell variable I need to set that
contains where tk is? I couldn’t find much
help on google.
Probably not a shell variable problem (although there is a chance it
is a PATH problem). It is more likely that Tcl/Tk is not installed on
your system. Perhaps this URL will help.
Regards, Morton