Link_to_remote with an image

I have this:
<%= link_to_remote ‘Remove’, :url => {:controller => ‘steps’, :action
=> ‘removestep’, :id => @mop}, :with => “‘step_id=’ + #
{}”, :src => ‘/images/Trash_can.gif’ %>

I am not getting an image. Is this the correct way to make a
link_to_remote with a gif?

<%= link_to_remote ‘Remove’, :url => {:controller => ‘steps’, :action
=> ‘removestep’, :id => @mop}, :with => “‘step_id=’ + #
{}”, :src => ‘/images/Trash_can.gif’ %>

I am not getting an image. Is this the correct way to make a
link_to_remote with a gif?


link_to_remote image_tag(’/images/Trash_can.gif’),
:blah => ‘blah blah’

ok, thanks.