After looking at the link_to_remote tag for the first time, I found it
broke when javascript was disabled.
Below is one possible solution I found and would like to suggest that
this idea is promoted into rails.
# provide fix for link_to_remote tag when javascript is not enabled
def link_to_remote_fix(text, options)
link_to_remote text, options, :href => url_for( options[:url] )
Your method is correct, you could however alias link_to_remote to
old_link_to_remote and then override the link_to_remote method. This
way, all your existing code will benefit from it. Keep in mind that
you need to provide seperate normal pages for each action you call
via link_to_remote so that it will render if Javascript is disabled.
I think it’s a good idea, but maybe as an option. A lot of the time
you don’t want your link_to_remote to actually get triggered if
Javascript is disabled because the end point is an rjs action or
something else not for human consumption.
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