Link_to_remote and form_tag


I have a web site with a feature that works perfectly. And I
Raised included within another site in a layer.
I am changing link_to by link_to_remote, but rhtml loading
After a link_to_remote shows anything but what is inside a

We must put something on the forms to display with ajax?

I tried to change the form

<% = form_tag: action => ‘list’: method => “get”%>

<% = form_remote_tag (: update => “m_content”
: Url => (: action => “list”))%>

But the same thing happens to me …

This is the call:
<% = Link_to_remote (image_tag ( “next.gif”)
: Update => “m_content”
: Url => (: action => ‘list’))%>

Thank you

Davicín … schrieb:


I have a web site with a feature that works perfectly. And I
Raised included within another site in a layer.
I am changing link_to by link_to_remote, but rhtml loading
After a link_to_remote shows anything but what is inside a

We must put something on the forms to display with ajax?

Did you include the javascript files?

<%= javascript_include_tag(:all)%>

Did you include the javascript files?

<%= javascript_include_tag(:all)%>

I have included this
<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>

On Sun, 04 Nov 2007 12:47:44 +0100, Davicín … wrote:

I tried to change the form
This is the call:
<% = Link_to_remote (image_tag ( “next.gif”)
: Update => “m_content”
: Url => (: action => ‘list’))%>

There’s no camelcasing of symbol names in rails. Everything is lowercase
and underscore separated, nor is there a space separating the colon and
the symbol name. :update not : Update, :url not : Url.



I do not know if that will affect all rhtml am updating layer m_content.
And these forms are within this layer …

Thanks again.

There’s no camelcasing of symbol names in rails. Everything is lowercase
and underscore separated, nor is there a space separating the colon and
the symbol name. :update not : Update, :url not : Url.

Yes it has been a problem to copy and paste…

Now she is well and I still have the same problem :frowning:

<% = form_tag: action => ‘list’, :method => “get”%>

<% = form_remote_tag (:update => “m_content”,
:url => (:action => “list”))%>

This is the call:
<% = Link_to_remote (image_tag ( “next.gif”),
:update => “m_content”,
:url => (:action => ‘list’))%>

Thank you