I wrote a test link :
<%= link_to(“test dbl click”, root_url, :ondblclick => “alert(‘Double
Clicked’);”) %>
the double click event is captured (alert displayed) but at the same
time the home page is also displayed , is there a way to wait for the
ok on the panel before executing the link?
<%= link_to(“test dbl click”, root_url, :ondblclick => “alert(‘Double
Clicked’);”) %>
the double click event is captured (alert displayed) but at the same
time the home page is also displayed , is there a way to wait for the
ok on the panel before executing the link?
<%= link_to(“test dbl click”, root_url, :ondblclick => “return
Clicked’);”) %>
Why the double click? If you don’t need that you can get away with:
<%= link_to(“test confirmed click”, root_url, :confirm => “Press OK to
go to root url”) %>