I want to have the following features in my rails application:
- the program should have AJAX if Javascript available
- I want to protect my application described in
URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET and POST - means GET should be
safe - if Javascript is disabled the application should work too (without
If I use “GET should be safe” option (verify) and link_to with :method
=> ‘post’ option these links do not work anymore with Javascript
disabled. My idea was now to use image_submit_tag to do e.g. a
‘delete’ action on list page. For this option I have to encode the
action (delete) and the id of the entity within the value option of
the generated HTML “input” tag. Is there a plugin for this
avalailable? The downside of this is that I have one form action which
has to decode the “value” content and delegate to the right action.
Did I miss something?