Link to .erb file, from .erb file


I’m new to web development and Ruby. In an erb file, I need to provide
a link that will load up another erb file.

I know that if I want to go to an html file I could do this.

  • Branding
  • how to I do something like this:

  • >Branding
  • So that we go to branding.erb. Does that make sense? thanks

    You’re thinking too hard.

  • Branding
  • Steve K. wrote in post #977681:

    You’re thinking too hard.

  • Branding
  • Thank you.
    That takes me to a page that says Sinatra doesn’t know this little
    ditty. Let me give some background. I have a file that has

    class App < Sinatra::Base
    set :static, true
    set :public, File.dirname(FILE) + ‘/static’

      get "/" do
      f1 =$XML_PATH)
      @xml = Nokogiri::XML(f1)
      erb :index

    sinatra/base is required in that file. index.erb is located in my views
    folder. Then, as stated above, from that index.erb, I need to load
    something like a “branding.erb” page if the user clicks a link. Thanks

    Marvin Gülker wrote in post #977698:

    Am 26.01.2011 20:13, schrieb Dan T.:

    sinatra/base is required in that file. index.erb is located in my views
    folder. Then, as stated above, from that index.erb, I need to load
    something like a “branding.erb” page if the user clicks a link. Thanks

    This has nothing to do with the view, but how your Sinatra app processes
    the requests it receives. Add this to your App class:

    get “/branding” do
    erb :branding

    Assuming you want to link to /branding. In your view, you can then just
    link to it via

    Ahh, I was starting to head in that direction but not quite getting it.
    Your post helped a ton. Thank you, Marvin!!

    Am 26.01.2011 20:13, schrieb Dan T.:

    sinatra/base is required in that file. index.erb is located in my views
    folder. Then, as stated above, from that index.erb, I need to load
    something like a “branding.erb” page if the user clicks a link. Thanks

    This has nothing to do with the view, but how your Sinatra app processes
    the requests it receives. Add this to your App class:

    get “/branding” do
    erb :branding

    Assuming you want to link to /branding. In your view, you can then just
    link to it via