Link_to :application=>"app2", :controller=>.., :action=>

Wouldn’t this be good?? :

link_to :application=>“app2”, :controller=>“app2controller”,


form_tag :application=>“app2”, :controller=>“app2controller”,
:action=>“action” do


I run many rails applications and the ability to link_to the other apps
as simply as this would be great.

Chris R. wrote:

Wouldn’t this be good?? :

link_to :application=>“app2”, :controller=>“app2controller”,


form_tag :application=>“app2”, :controller=>“app2controller”,
:action=>“action” do


I run many rails applications and the ability to link_to the other apps
as simply as this would be great.

as you always have another domain name or sub dir for each rails app you
should be able to do

<%= link_to “link to another rails app”,”,
:action=>“action” %>

But, without being able to access the other app’s routes, it wouldn’t
be able to do anything special and wouldn’t do what you’re normal
‘link_to’ links are capable of… then if it could access the other
app’s routes, what if they conflicted with each other? That’d be a
bugger to debug & maintain, IMO.

On Feb 12, 6:42 pm, Chris R. [email protected]

idleFingers wrote:

But, without being able to access the other app’s routes, it wouldn’t
be able to do anything special and wouldn’t do what you’re normal
‘link_to’ links are capable of… then if it could access the other
app’s routes, what if they conflicted with each other? That’d be a
bugger to debug & maintain, IMO.

well, if you could access the other apps routes, then you would just
have to make sure you didn’t have conflicting routes. Surely a plugin
would be able to easily detect conflicts just from comparing routes? and
if it detected any then just warn the user.

I think this is a great idea.