Lighttpd path error

Hello list,
I’ve been developing a rails app using webrick as my server. I’m trying
to change my server over to lighttpd as I am now attempting to deploy on
a host that uses lighttpd. I had an older version of lighttpd installed
and could never get it running correctly with my app. Preparing for
deployment I decided to get lighty working and after poking around a bit
I upgraded to lighttpd-1.4.11 as that seemed to be the solution. Now, I
can start up lighty but I get the following error:
Max-Benjamins-Computer:telewriting maxbenjamin$ script/server

=> Booting lighttpd (use ‘script/server webrick’ to force WEBrick)
=> Rails application started on
=> Call with -d to detach
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server (see config/lighttpd.conf for options)
load': no such file to load -- lib/12hour_helper.rb (MissingSourceFile) from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.3.1/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:140:in load’
require_or_load' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.3.1/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:30:in depend_on’

pointing my browser at http://localhost:3000/ I get a 500 error.

Any help would be very appreciated. I’ve been at this for waaaaay to