hi all,
i need to implement Lightbox using rails. need to show the data from the
data base in lightbox…
Any body please help me …
Arun A.
hi all,
i need to implement Lightbox using rails. need to show the data from the
data base in lightbox…
Any body please help me …
Arun A.
Hi Arun,
I apologize that I haven’t replay directly to you since I am
overburden with work.
Nevertheless, here are some links that can be informative about
LightBox and Rails.
I hope this could be helpful to you and, perhaps, to other developers
with same problem.
Hi Dejan,
Thank you Very much.
i really appreciate your help.
Thank you
On 24/07/07, dima [email protected] wrote:
Java The Hutt: Rails realities part 15 (AJAX modal dialog)
data base in lightbox…
Any body please help me …
Arun A.
Arun A.
Check out Craig A.'s RedBox – it’s a lightbox built on prototype/
scriptaculous and available as a plugin for rails.
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