Hi all,
There are appear to be several licenses available for ROR, Ruby etc so
any guidance is appreciated. I did search on the topic and seemed to get
a variety of answers…some conflicting. My original read on my
situation was I within the guidelines of the the agreement, but I am no
I am currently developing a commercial application with ROR that I would
like to have packaged up and distributed with my code. So I hope to
- Ruby (binaries for Windows / Linux)
- ROR and associated code
- standard Gems
- Mongrel or webrick
- Lighttpd or Apache
None of the Ruby / ROR code is modified in any way ( it just works so
darn well ).
So, can I ship this without stepping on anyone’s toes? By displaying the
license agreement etc is that truly enough?
I am looking to do the right thing, any comments are greatly