On 6/15/06, darren kirby [email protected] wrote:
variable names etc. I usually license my scripts using the Artistic license,
but I wonder how Ruby library code is usually licenced?
Since Perl can be distributed under either the GPL or the Artistic
license, this Perl module you translated from can likewise be
distributed under either one. IMO, your code is a derivative work, and
thus would also fall under those same conditions: that is, I believe
you may choose to distribute your ruby lib under either GPL or
The Ruby license is similar to Perl’s: you may distribute Ruby under
the GPL or else under some custom licensing terms that you can read
about at http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/LICENSE.txt (Matz is a big fan of
Larry’s, and you’ll notice that these custom terms look like they were
modeled after the Artistic license).
(Incidentally, from what I can tell (from reading an interview with
Matz on _Why’s blog), Matz isn’t totally happy with the dual licensing
details, and if possible, licensing may change in the future (that is,
to get rid of the custom licensing terms in favor of a more commonly
used standard license). I don’t know any details beyond that though.)
It’s very common to see Ruby code licensed similar to Perl code –
i.e. it’ll say, “You may distribute this code under the same terms as
Ruby itself”.
I’m guessing that, since your code will be used by Ruby or other Ruby
modules, and may itself use other Ruby modules, then it must have a
compatible license.
Regarding the Artistic license (the one currently used with Perl5),
the FSF licensing page mentions it:
http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/index_html#ArtisticLicense . You
can read its text at http://dev.perl.org/licenses/artistic.html . The
fsf asserts that it’s vague and incompatible with the GPL.
So, in my opinion, I’d just license the module under the GPL.