Libusrp and usb hubs

Hey gang,
I’ve been using the USRP without GNURadio from time to time, just using
libusrp to talk to it. Yesterday, I had some cabling problems and
get my signal close enough to the USRP. To compensate, I moved the USRP
closer to the signal by using two USB cables and hub. I noticed that my
signal processing apps weren’t working any more, but the usrper app was
still able to do “usrper set led0 on” type actions. Does anyone know
anything about the USRP or USB that would cause this behavior?
Specifically, I believe the error I was getting was on the call to
create/init the usrp_standard_rx class (or whatever it’s called).

Thanks for any help you might have,
Jim Lindstrom

Sounds like the hub is only doing USB full speed support, not high
