I’ve been trying to decide the best way how to store library/project
metadata (name, version, etc.). I use this data for a few different
tools, one of those being Rolls, which is an alternate require system
for Ruby. I’ve considered using straight Ruby, INI, YAML and multiple
files (one per property).
Ruby scripts are too limited for my purposes b/c they are impossible to
selectively edit with automated tools.
INI files would work well, and they are pretty easy to parse, but it
doesn’t seem to be the Ruby way --where YAML tends to rule the day.
YAML would seem to be the obvious choice. But I hesitate because Syck is
a fairly heavy dependency for something like Rolls where light weight is
a big advantage. Also automated manipulation of YAML files isn’t all
that optimal --round trip a YAML file and formatting can become fairly
My last option, of per-property files, is appealing b/c it requires no
special parser library, and such files are very easy to manipulate. The
downside of course is that a dozen of so little files can seem a bit
unwieldy and can waste file system space (depending on block size).
So, as you can see I’m torn. Should I take the high road, and not worry
about YAML’s heft, or the low road and not worry about the
unconventional use of many small files, or is there a better road