So, with all the noise about Rails on Leopard, has anyone actually
deployed to a product Xserve using the built-in stuff? Most
specifically, the built-in Apache? Googling produces next to zero hits
on the topic. Just lots about using Leo for dev.
Just to see if it can be done, I am trying to set up an app to run using
the Server Admin GUI for Apache. So, far I’ve installed my own mongrel
cluster (which is missing in the Apple install AFAICT), and I’ve created
a basic site using the GUI. However, I can’t get the reverse proxy
system to work. I still have to call the site with an explicit port.
I can do this all by hand, totally ignoring the GUI (like we would have
done on 10.4), but just trying to see if it is possible.
Just to see if it can be done, I am trying to set up an app to run using
the Server Admin GUI for Apache. So, far I’ve installed my own mongrel
cluster (which is missing in the Apple install AFAICT), and I’ve created
a basic site using the GUI. However, I can’t get the reverse proxy
system to work. I still have to call the site with an explicit port.
Turns out either I or the GUI added a trailing slash after the port in
the BalancerMembers. Take the slash off and it works.
I have gotten a few sites running using Leopard Server… I used the
mongrel_rails_persist command from the terminal, and then selected the
“Balancer Members” from the Proxy tab for the site in question (as per
the instructions in the 10.5 Web Technologies Admin document from
Apple). I then deployed the site with Capistrano, and it works okay,
except that Capistrano doesn’t seem to restart the mongrel instances -
I have to do this manually whenever I deploy a change to the site…
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