Lemon 0.9.1 has been released.
Lemon is a unit testing framework that tightly correlates class to test
case and method to test unit.
- home: http://rubyworks.github.com/lemon
- code: GitHub - rubyworks/lemon: Pucker-Strength Unit Testing
- bugs: Issues · rubyworks/lemon · GitHub
Thie release fixes some evaluation scope issues, improves how omit and
skip methods work, makes test generation usable and generally cleans-up
internals. All in all, this release should be a fair bit more robust
than previous releases and ready for the big 1.0 after one more good
coding session.
- Fix test scope so it’s properly isolated.
- Improve skip and omit methods w/ non-block forms.
- Use Ripper instead of RubyParse for scaffolding.
- Greatly improve usability of code generation tool.