Learning with pokemon

Im creating a version of a pokemon battle using ruby tk. Im a beginner
programmer, and this is what ive come up with. Im trying to let the
buttons change text and commands but only the first button is changing
to "hyper fang. Which it should not do. Im confused at how to solve this
and the normal helpfull inet is not producing answers. Could any of you
help, and also, general other tips to improve this code are always


require ‘tk’
require ‘tkextlib/tile’

root = TkRoot.new {title “Pokemon Battle”}
content = Tk::Tile::Frame.new(root).grid :column => 0, :row => 0
TkGrid.columnconfigure root, 0, :weight => 1; TkGrid.rowconfigure root,
0, :weight => 1

$enemyname = TkVariable.new; name = $ownname = TkVariable.new
enemynamelabel = Tk::Tile::Label.new(content) {textvariable
$enemyname}.grid :column => 0, :row => 0, :columnspan => 5, :sticky =>
ownnamelabel = Tk::Tile::Label.new(content) {textvariable $ownname}.grid
:column => 5, :row => 5, :columnspan => 5, :sticky => ‘w’

enemyprogressbar = Tk::Tile::Progressbar.new(content) {orient
‘horizontal’; length 100; mode ‘determinate’}.grid :column => 0, :row
=> 1, :sticky => ‘n’, :columnspan => 5
$enemyhp = TkVariable.new
enemyprogressbar.variable = $enemyhp

ownprogressbar = Tk::Tile::Progressbar.new(content) {orient
‘horizontal’; length 100; mode ‘determinate’}.grid :column => 5, :row
=> 6, :sticky => ‘n’, :columnspan => 5
$ownhp = TkVariable.new
ownprogressbar.variable = $ownhp

ownimage = TkPhotoImage.new
ownimage.file = “rattata.gif”
ownimagelabel = TkLabel.new(content).grid :column => 0, :row => 5,
:columnspan => 5, :rowspan => 2
ownimagelabel.image = ownimage

enemyimage = TkPhotoImage.new
enemyimage.file = “eevee.gif”
enemyimagelabel = TkLabel.new(content).grid :column => 5, :row => 0,
:columnspan => 5, :rowspan => 2
enemyimagelabel.image = enemyimage

streep1 = Tk::Tile::Separator.new(content) {orient ‘horizontal’}.grid
:column => 0, :row => 10, :ipady => 5, :ipadx => 100, :columnspan => 10

@btn1 = Tk::Tile::Button.new(content) {text ‘Fight’; command
{comfight}}.grid :column => 0, :row => 11, :columnspan => 5
@btn2 = Tk::Tile::Button.new(content) {text ‘Run’; command
{comrun}}.grid :column => 5, :row => 11, :columnspan => 5
@btn3 = Tk::Tile::Button.new(content) {text ‘Bag’; command {combag};
state “disabled”}.grid :column => 0, :row => 12, :columnspan => 5
@btn4 = Tk::Tile::Button.new(content) {text ‘Pokemon’; command
{compokemon}; state “disabled”}.grid :column => 5, :row => 12,
:columnspan => 5

$enemyhp.value = 100
$ownhp.value = 100
$enemyname.value = ‘Eevee’
$ownname.value = ‘Rattata’

TkWinfo.children(content).each {|w| TkGrid.configure w, :padx => 2,
:pady => 2}

#define methods for buttons

def comfight
if $ownname == “Rattata”
text “Tackle”; command {atttackle}
@btn2 = text ‘Quick Attack’; command {attquickattack}
@btn3 = text “Bite”; command {attbite}
@btn4 = text “Hyper Fang”; command {atthyperfang}

#define methods for attacks

def atttackle
Tk::messageBox :message => “#{$ownname} tackles the enemy
$enemyhp.value = $enemyhp - 10

def attquickattack
Tk::messageBox :message => “#{$ownname} speeds up and slams the enemy
$enemyhp.value = $enemyhp - 20
#Randomize extra turn

def attbite
Tk::messageBox :message => “#{$ownname} bites the enemy #{$enemyname}”
$enemyhp.value = $enemyhp - 30

def atthyperfang
Tk::messageBox :message => “#{$ownname} crunches the enemy
#{$enemyname} with his jaws”
$enemyhp.value = $enemyhp - 50

def comrun
Tk::messageBox :message => ‘You ran from battle!’
