Learning newb: regaring methods and class methods

hi, i just need to know if i’m on the right trax regarding ruby:

a ‘::’ method class attached to another constant or variable will tell
that constant/variable to use all methods under it’s class where

as ‘.’ tells ruby to use only 1 method.

but before using that method, we have to call for the ‘new class’ that
method belongs to…

Can someone please tell me if any of the above is wrong?


Hi –

On Thu, 13 Jul 2006, Dominic S. wrote:

Can someone please tell me if any of the above is wrong?
:: is chiefly for navigating paths through nested classes and modules:

class A
module B
class C

A::b::C.new # new instance of the inner class

. is for calling methods – like C.new, above.

You’ll sometimes see :: used for calling methods when the receiver is
a class or module, but personally I think it’s simpler and clearer just
to use . for calling methods.
