Learning Cucumber

Here is the scenario:

Scenario: Create a new entity row
Given I am on the new entity page
When I fill in a textbox labelled “Common Name” with “My New Entity”
And I fill in a textbox labelled “Full Legal Name:” with “My New
Enitity is a CORP”
And I select from a listbox labelled “Legal Form:” the value “CORP”
And I press “Create”
Then I should see “Entity was successfully created.”

Now, the suggestions that cucumber makes about missing step definitions
are very useful, but I am not yet at the point where I understand enough
of this to proceed. For the moment I need to sort out the relationship
cucumber with webrat.

In the case above, what I see when I run rake features is this:

Scenario: Create a new entity row # features/manage_entities.feature:7
Given I am on the new entity page # features/steps/entity_steps.rb:1
When I fill in a textbox labelled
“Common Name” with “My New Entity” #
And I fill in a textbox labelled
“Full Legal Name:” with “My New Enitity is a CORP”
# features/steps/entity_steps.rb:8
And I select from a listbox labelled
“Legal Form:” the value “CORP” #
And I press “Create” #
Then I should see
“Entity was successfully created.” #

expected: /Entity was successfully created./m,
got: "\r\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC

So, evidently I need some other specification to check the validity of
action with respect to the web page displayed. Can some one give me a
hint as to what "I should see “X” should actually say? Should this be a
regex? In other worlds should the outcome be specified as:

Then I should see “Entity was successfully created

Unfortunately, I have many, many more questions, but I will try to feed
them in slowly.


*** E-Mail is NOT a SECURE channel ***
James B. Byrne mailto:[email protected]
Harte & Lyne Limited http://www.harte-lyne.ca
9 Brockley Drive vox: +1 905 561 1241
Hamilton, Ontario fax: +1 905 561 0757
Canada L8E 3C3

On Thu, November 13, 2008 11:51, James B. Byrne wrote:

So, evidently I need some other specification to check the validity of the
action with respect to the web page displayed. Can some one give me a
hint as to what "I should see “X” should actually say? Should this be a
regex? In other worlds should the outcome be specified as:

Then I should see “Entity was successfully created

Actually, I have discovered that what I need to do is to create some
to move the data passed by the When clauses into the form variables and
thus get the expected result instead of an error.

*** E-Mail is NOT a SECURE channel ***
James B. Byrne mailto:[email protected]
Harte & Lyne Limited http://www.harte-lyne.ca
9 Brockley Drive vox: +1 905 561 1241
Hamilton, Ontario fax: +1 905 561 0757
Canada L8E 3C3

What you’re doing here is writing imperative features. Writing
declarative features might be a better alternative. Instead of

Given I am on the new entity page
When I fill in a textbox labelled “Common Name” with “My New Entity”
And I fill in a textbox labelled “Full Legal Name:” with “My New
Enitity is a CORP”
And I select from a listbox labelled “Legal Form:” the value “CORP”
And I press “Create”
Then I should see “Entity was successfully created.”

You could consider

Given I am on the new entity page
When I correctly fill in the new entity form
Then I should see a confirmation

Then the feature has much less technical stuff in it that

  1. Hide the intent
  2. Make the story brittle to cosmetic changes, in particular to small
    rewordings of error messages and confirmations

A side effect of this is you need much less regex magic to match your



2008/11/13 James B. Byrne [email protected]:

Andrew P. wrote:

What you’re doing here is writing imperative features. Writing
declarative features might be a better alternative. Instead of

Given I am on the new entity page
When I correctly fill in the new entity form
Then I should see a confirmation

Then the feature has much less technical stuff in it that

  1. Hide the intent
  2. Make the story brittle to cosmetic changes, in particular to small
    rewordings of error messages and confirmations

A side effect of this is you need much less regex magic to match your

This advice does help. Thank you.

Is there a way to mix webrat and hard coded steps? In other words, if I
have this in my steps file.

Given /I am on the new entity page/ do
visits “/entities/new”

When /I fill out the form correctly/ do
fills_in(“Common Name”, :with => “My Common Name”)
fills_in(“Legal Name”, :with => “My Legal Name”)
Entity.entity_legal_name = “CORP” # does not work

Is this possible?

How do I set the attribute “entity_legal_form” to “CORP” for that
entity? I cannot figure out how to reference that entity instance.

Generally you can do whatever you want in step as its a ruby file. The
thing to do is use a debugger statement to stop in the step (make sure
there is a line after debugger) and then explore.

In your step the Entity you are referring to is probably a class not a



2008/11/14 James B. [email protected]: