LDAP searches don't stop


I’m trying to figure out how to search an LDAP server. I can connect and
see searches pass by if I sniff on the network interface. But the search
command never stops, even tough I limit it to 1 second. (Can I limit the
search to 1 result?)

irb(main):001:0> require ‘ldap’
=> true
irb(main):002:0> conn = LDAP::Conn.new(“someldapserver”, 389)
=> #LDAP::Conn:0xb7afb900
irb(main):003:0> conn.set_option(LDAP::LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)
=> #LDAP::Conn:0xb7afb900
irb(main):004:0> conn.bind(“ldapusername”, “ldappassword”)
=> #LDAP::Conn:0xb7afb900
irb(main):005:0> conn.search2(“dc=somedc”,
LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, “somefilter”, nil,false, 1)

This keeps running forever instead of for 1 second…
Any ideas on how to solve that? I see a right result coming over the
interface so the program can stop!


On 8/17/06, Bart B. [email protected] wrote:

=> #LDAP::Conn:0xb7afb900


What happens if you use ldapsearch against this server? What happens
if you use Net::LDAP?

Francis C. wrote:

What happens if you use ldapsearch against this server?

ldapsearch works fine and fast.


Bart B. wrote:

=> #LDAP::Conn:0xb7afb900

Right the error is in the details. I used DC in the query instead of dc.
server responded with some other servers to choose from, some of which
not exist. So the program took forever trying to query those servers…
(I don’t know whether it’s useful if I report this situation to the LDAP
module author?)

Thanks for your help!

Bart B. wrote:

=> #LDAP::Conn:0xb7afb900

After some time the system stops:
ruby myprogram.rb
myprogram:8:in `search’: Operations error (LDAP::ResultError)
from myprogram.rb:8
But that error is nowhere explained. Is there something wrong with my
connection? The server is an Active Directory server, can that make a


Bart B. wrote:

Right the error is in the details. I used DC in the query instead of dc.
The server responded with some other servers to choose from, some of which
did not exist. So the program took forever trying to query those

Yesterday I tried Net::LDAP and it worked even with a capital DC in the
search base. Net::LDAP seems to have a cleaner interface so perhaps I’ll
switch the system over, performance does not seem to be an issue either.
