Hi all
I am trying to connect to our LDAP server(Active Directory
I can do a successful bind, the problem I have is getting the data 
I think the conn.search is correct
result = conn.search( ‘ou=accounts, dc=example, dc=com’,
LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, ‘samaccountname=myuser’)
it doesn’t error for the above, how do I extract the information from
the search?
Many thanks all
Which library are you using? Net::LDAP or one of the native ones?
Francis C. wrote:
Which library are you using? Net::LDAP or one of the native ones?
I’m using ruby ldap, as in http://ruby-ldap.sourceforge.net/
Not to worry, I found a script that does what I want it to do anyway 
conn.search( ‘ou=users,ou=nyc,dc=corp,dc=google,dc=com’,
LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, ‘cn=*’, [‘cn’]) do |x|
count += 1
Thanks anyway