LDAP - binding and selection lists

Hi all, Let me apologize in advance if I’m overcomplicating my

I currently use AuthLogic along with this LDAP validation method in
the User model :

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def valid_ldap_credentials?(password_plaintext)
ldap = Net::LDAP.new
ldap.host = ‘hostname’
ldap.auth “AD\” + self.username, password_plaintext

I also have an LDAP controller that runs LDAP searches to populate
such as this one that returns a list of all active usernames:

class LdapController < ApplicationController
def ldap_users
ldap = Net::LDAP.new
ldap.host = ‘hostname’
ldap.auth(‘AD\username’, ‘password’)
treebase = “ou=blah, dc=blah, dc=com”
filter1 = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq(“objectCategory”,“user”)
filter2 = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq(“userAccountControl”,“512”)
attrs = [“cn”]
@usernames = Array.new
ldap.search(:base => treebase,
:filter => filter1 & filter2,
:attributes => attrs ) do |entry|
@usernames << entry.cn

What I’d like to do, however, is to somehow hold my LDAP binding
session at the time of login, and be able to use it throughout the
application. For instance, I want to create a
selection list of ldap_users, from which a user can select his
manager’s name, which would be saved in the user’s record in my
application database(basically, I need the user to enter his manager’s
username, but the LDAP search method would validate the username so we
know it’s a valid name).

Maybe I’m overcomplicating it, but how would I hold my LDAP session
information so that non "User"controllers can use it? So, for
instance, the LDAP Controller could look like this instead:

class LdapController < ApplicationController
def ldap_users
ldap = [user session information that is validated and bound to
treebase = “ou=blah, dc=blah, dc=com”
filter1 = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq(“objectCategory”,“user”)
filter2 = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq(“userAccountControl”,“512”)
attrs = [“cn”]
@usernames = Array.new
ldap.search(:base => treebase,
:filter => filter1 & filter2,
:attributes => attrs ) do |entry|
@usernames << entry.cn

Does that make sense?

Also, if anyone knows how to get a selection list out of the
@usernames” array created above, that would be an awesome help.
Since the values are coming from LDAP dynamically, and not from a
table in my application’s database, I don’t know the syntax for
creating the selection list. This is how I would create a selection
list from tables in my database:

<%= select( “user”, “department_id”, Department.find( :all, :order =>
“name” ).collect { |c| [c.name, c.id] }, { :include_blank =>
true, :order => “name” })%>

…but how would I pull the attributes from the @usernames array I
created in the ldap_users method to populate a selection list?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or guidance…