LDAP Authentication

Hi all,
I’ve LDAP basic authentication working using NET::LDAP.

require ‘ldap_auth’

#LDAP connection info

host= ‘myldapserver’ #Your ldap server
dn = ‘CN=users,DC=org,DC=com’
#Credentials of the user we are trying to authenticate

account_name = ‘somename’
password = ‘somepass’

print “#{account_name} "
unless LDAP::Auth.authenticate(”#{account_name}", password, dn, host) do

puts 'authenticated!'
puts 'Group info:'
groups = auth_obj.groups_for(account_name, 'sAMAccountName',

‘memberOf’){|group|puts group}
puts groups.inspect
puts ‘Some attributes:’
attributes = auth_obj.attributes_for(account_name, ‘sAMAccountName’,
[‘sn’, ‘givenName’, ‘mail’, ]){|name, value| puts “#{name} = #{value}”}
puts attributes.inspect
puts ‘authentication failed! Bad account name and/or password’

someone authenticated!
Group info:

Some attributes:

It is working and put ‘authenticated’ message for valid user. But I am
unable to get groupinfo and other attributes.
Can I use this authentication to retrieve data from MYSql database?
How to get groupinfo and user attributes?
Please help me out.
