i’m trying to get the last day of a month with chronic. Since chronic
seems to use ‘last’ as keyword in a sence like “back from now” this
does’t give a result
Chronic.parse(“last day of this month”)
i tried also ‘latest’ and ‘end’ instead of ‘last’ with no result. I
couldn’t find an appropriate example in the documentation http://chronic.rubyforge.org/ , neither i could find an exact
documentation of all valid keywords.
i’m trying to get the last day of a month with chronic. Since
chronic seems to use ‘last’ as keyword in a sence like “back from
now” this does’t give a result
Any hints?
Just guessing, but you might try “day before 1st day of next month”.
irb(main):005:0> Chronic.parse( ‘1 day before first day of January’)
=> Sun Dec 31 12:00:00 -0700 2006