Hey everyone,
The Las Vegas Ruby community (very very small) is trying to get some
more people. Engine Y. is now sponsoring us. If you plan on being in
Vegas, or are currently living here, and want to join our community and
help it grow, sign up!
If you’re not a Ruby or Rails developer, and just so happen to be
reading this (congrats), feel free to sign up as well.
Hope to see some more people!
What’s the job scene like down there for developers?
Ben Wiseley wrote:
What’s the job scene like down there for developers?
honestly… it sucks. The good news though is with our group growing, we
are constantly up to date with what jobs are open. There’s a few “Rails
shops” around town now. Plus new ones popping up here and there. There’s
a few rails job openings right now
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If you’re looking to come out, join the group, and we can help keep an
eye out for a job!