Lambda funcs that call gets won't halt program execution?

Once again, a problem with my Befunge interpreter. I’m trying to
implement the ~ and & functions - get a character and a number,
respectively. My & function looks like this:
instructions["&"] = lambda { print "Number: "; stack.push

But it complains about gets() being nil. as soon as the function is run.
Well, of course it is. It has let me type. Is there anyway to make it

Why does Ruby keep picking on me? Oh, wait. The principle of least
surprise - all programming languages infuriate me, therefore it would
surprise me least if Ruby did too. :slight_smile:

On Thu, 6 Dec 2007, Peter B. wrote:

Once again, a problem with my Befunge interpreter. I’m trying to
implement the ~ and & functions - get a character and a number,
respectively. My & function looks like this:
instructions["&"] = lambda { print "Number: "; stack.push

But it complains about gets() being nil. as soon as the function is run.
Well, of course it is. It has let me type. Is there anyway to make it

This works for me:

i= {}
s= []
i["&"] = lambda {
print "Number: "
s.push( gets().strip.to_i ) }

puts “Evaluating stack: #{s.pop}”


-> Number:
-> Evaluating stack: 123


On Dec 5, 2007, at 5:52 PM, Tomas P.'s Mailing L. wrote:

Well, of course it is. It has let me type. Is there anyway to make it
puts “Evaluating stack: #{s.pop}”


-> Number:
-> Evaluating stack: 123

And this very similar code works just fine for me.

#! /usr/bin/env ruby -w $stack = [] $instructions = {} instructions = $instructions stack = $stack require "xtest" instructions["&"].call p stack instructions = $instructions stack = $stack instructions["+"] = lambda { |a, b| stack.push(a + b) } instructions["-"] = lambda { |a, b| stack.push(b - a) } instructions["&"] = lambda { print("Number: "); stack.push (gets.chomp.to_i) }

So I wonder: what in your code that you are not showing us is
messing you up?

Regards, Morton

On Dec 5, 4:30 pm, Peter B. [email protected] wrote:

Once again, a problem with my Befunge interpreter. I’m trying to
implement the ~ and & functions - get a character and a number,
respectively. My & function looks like this:
instructions[“&”] = lambda { print "Number: "; stack.push

But it complains about gets() being nil. as soon as the function is run.
Well, of course it is. It has let me type. Is there anyway to make it

If Ruby is invoked in this fashion
ruby myprog.rb myfile
then gets reads from the file.
You need

You need $stdin.gets

William, you’re a brilliant person. You win. You’re wintastic, in fact.

On Dec 6, 2:57 pm, Peter B. [email protected] wrote:

You need $stdin.gets

William, you’re a brilliant person. You win. You’re wintastic, in fact.

Posted via

I’ve scratched my head because of this behavior, too.
It’s amazing how something so obvious can cause so
much puzzlement.