L() helper - what is it?

I was running an existing rails project. I got an error ActionView:
undefined method l
l() seems to be a form helper method.

Code is something like this:
prompt = l(:"#{@controller.controller_name}_#{name}_message")

On Jul 19, 8:24 am, Unni [email protected] wrote:

I was running an existing rails project. I got an error ActionView:
undefined method l
l() seems to be a form helper method.

Code is something like this:
prompt = l(:“#removed_email_address@domain.invalid_name}_#{name}_message”)

It’s a localization helper, I forget from which localization problem

On 19 Jul 2008, at 13:20, Frederick C. wrote:

I was running an existing rails project. I got an error ActionView:
undefined method l
l() seems to be a form helper method.

Code is something like this:
prompt = l(:“#removed_email_address@domain.invalid_name}_#{name}_message”)

It’s a localization helper, I forget from which localization problem

Simple_localization uses this helper:

prompt = l(:“#removed_email_address@domain.invalid_name}_#{name}_message”)
It’s a localization helper, I forget from which localization problem

Simple_localization uses this helper: http://simple-localization.arkanis.de/

Open http://www.google.com/codesearch, enter lang:ruby def l, and you
get a
localization package on the second hit.

Google CodeSearch rocks!


Even codeserch fails to find ruby ||=

Any ideas on that?

I know how to find this via the Google ruby page (search for “or
equal”) but I would be interested to know how to make Google search on
a pipe “|”

On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 10:02 AM, Ruby F. [email protected]

Even codeserch fails to find ruby ||=

Any ideas on that?

I know how to find this via the Google ruby page (search for “or
equal”) but I would be interested to know how to make Google search on
a pipe “|”

Perhaps you need to provide more context with your search:

Greg D.

Ruby F. wrote:

Even codeserch fails to find ruby ||=

Note the main page says they use regular expressions…


Any ideas on that?

thang = nil
thang ||= 42
thang ||= 43
assert{ thang == 42 }