Komodo Edit + rvm


any of you who uses Komodo Edit for Ruby/Rails development had any
experience using Komodo Edit and rvm together? I really like Komodo
Edit, but my inability to put them to work along each other is really
I have tried several ways and they all didn’t work.
Googled for it and didn’t find any solution that worked…
Anyone that made them work together?

Thanks a lot!

Juan P.

Juan P. wrote:


any of you who uses Komodo Edit for Ruby/Rails development had any
experience using Komodo Edit and rvm together?

I use KomodoEdit as my primary editor, but I haven’t installed RVM yet.

I really like Komodo
Edit, but my inability to put them to work along each other is really
I have tried several ways and they all didn’t work.
Googled for it and didn’t find any solution that worked…
Anyone that made them work together?

You neglected to say what you’re trying to do, or how it failed.
“Making KomodoEdit and RVM work together” is not terribly specific –
particularly since you specified KomodoEdit, not Komodo IDE. I assume
this means you’re not trying to do IDEish stuff in the editor, which
means I’m not sure where Ruby and RVM come into the picture.

Thanks a lot!

Juan P.

Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

Sent from my iPhone

Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:

Juan P. wrote:


any of you who uses Komodo Edit for Ruby/Rails development had any
experience using Komodo Edit and rvm together?

I use KomodoEdit as my primary editor, but I haven’t installed RVM yet.

I really like Komodo
Edit, but my inability to put them to work along each other is really
I have tried several ways and they all didn’t work.
Googled for it and didn’t find any solution that worked…
Anyone that made them work together?

You neglected to say what you’re trying to do, or how it failed.
“Making KomodoEdit and RVM work together” is not terribly specific –
particularly since you specified KomodoEdit, not Komodo IDE.

Come to think of it…are you trying to use an RVM Ruby for syntax
checking in KomodoEdit? If so, the instructions for integrating RVM and
TextMate at http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/integration/textmate/ may be a
good place to start. (As I said, though, I haven’t installed RVM yet,
so I haven’t tried this.)


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]