Kgio-monkey 0.1.0 - kinder, gentler, SSL/TLS I/O for Ruby

kgio-monkey 0.1.0 - initial release

Wraps OpenSSL to provide {kgio}[Index of /kgio/]-compatible
kgio_trywrite and kgio_tryread IO methods to Kgio::SSL wrapper objects.

== WARNING!!!1

This project is NOT maintained nor reviewed by anybody with any
credentials in security nor cryptography, use at your own risk.

Security/code/all reviews are very welcome, email us at
mailto:[email protected] (or mailto:[email protected] if you wish to
remain anonymous).

This project is NOT an endorsement of OpenSSL itself. This project uses
OpenSSL only because Ruby already bundles the “openssl” extension and we
don’t have time to maintain full Ruby bindings for NSS or any another
SSL/TLS library.

Eric W. [email protected] wrote:

kgio-monkey 0.1.0 - initial release

I’ve just pushed out 0.2.0 of this with minor updates/cleanups.

There are small Flipper updates and also the ability to
(globally) disable OpenSSL compression with:

   Kgio::SSL.compression = false

Flipper still lacks documentation and tests, but
is reasonably usable.

Wraps OpenSSL to provide {kgio}[Index of /kgio/]-compatible
kgio_trywrite and kgio_tryread IO methods to Kgio::SSL wrapper objects.

Everything below still holds true :x

== WARNING!!!1

This project is NOT maintained nor reviewed by anybody with any
credentials in security nor cryptography, use at your own risk.

Security/code/all reviews are very welcome, email us at
mailto:[email protected] (or mailto:[email protected] if you wish to
remain anonymous).

Especially the above, even if it’s to say “I didn’t find anything”
or “this is totally broken and here’s why: …”