I have tried:
TinyMCE - would not let me ‘edit’ content from the DB
FCKEditor - could not get it installed
widgEditor - won’t let me create content, only edit it
RTE - couldn’t get it to work
Please if you have used a good rich text editor in a RoR CMS system
that lets users create and edit content to and from a DB, tell me how
and which one. Please I have been working on this for two days now
You seem to be having quite a number of problems. Are you sure your
browser is compatible? I use Safari and none of those work properly
for me. In our apps we’ve been using TinyMCE, but I have to use
firefox for it to work.
I am going with TinyMCE - I got it to work beautifully.
I like TinyMCE because it seems less buggy than the others - it seems
to work find for IE and Mozilla (not extensively tested yet) - easily
configures - and it looks the best