Hi list
Lab419::functional contains an implementation of Perl6’s junctions now
A pure Ruby implementation of Junctions as planned for Perl6. [1]
Junctions are composite expressions that reply to methods as would
their elements.
any(1, 2, 3) > 2 → true
[ 1, 3, 5 ].all.odd? → true
none( 1 ).zero? → true
all() == nil → true
any() == nil → false
A popular use case is
if any( “–help”, “-?”, “-h” ) == param then
Junctions can be constructed by either
- using the module methods any, all, none and one of Lab419::Junctions
- by using junction methods of enumerables (1…3).all > 0
- by including Lab419::Junctions
For details please see the references below.
[1] Raku (programming language) - Wikipedia
Perl6::Junction - Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5. - metacpan.org
Exegesis 6
Robert D. wrote:
Lab419::functional contains an implementation of Perl6’s junctions now
It works fine, but I received warning message with -v option of ruby.
$ cat t.rb
require ‘lab419/functional/junctions’
$ /usr/local/trunk/bin/ruby -v t.rb
ruby 1.9.2dev (2009-04-17) [i686-linux]
warning: method redefined; discarding old one?
warning: method redefined; discarding old none?
Masaki S.
On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 3:04 AM, Masaki S.
[email protected] wrote:
$ /usr/local/trunk/bin/ruby -v t.rb
ruby 1.9.2dev (2009-04-17) [i686-linux]
warning: method redefined; discarding old one?
warning: method redefined; discarding old none?
Masaki S.
Thank you for reporting this, I will look into it right now.
A pure Ruby implementation of Junctions as planned for Perl6. [1]
Pretty sweet!
Did you look into how complex it would be to implement autothreading,
like in Perl 6, too?

Ty Masaki
INSTALLATION of patch if you do not want to download
gzip -d base.rb.gz
(a) mv base.rb lib./lab419/functional/junctions
[sudo ] ruby setup.rb install
(b) mv base.rb
On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 8:58 AM, David P. [email protected] wrote:
A pure Ruby implementation of Junctions as planned for Perl6. [1]
Pretty sweet!
Did you look into how complex it would be to implement autothreading, like in Perl 6, too?
You should check out Ara T. Howard’s threadify gem – very similar to
Robert D. wrote:
Thank you. It works fine without warning message
when running with -v option of ruby.
Masaki S.
On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 4:58 PM, David P. [email protected] wrote:

No but that’s a nice idea.
Si tu veux construire un bateau …
Ne rassemble pas des hommes pour aller chercher du bois, préparer des
outils, répartir les tâches, alléger le travail… mais enseigne aux
gens la nostalgie de l’infini de la mer.
If you want to build a ship, don’t herd people together to collect
wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to
long for the endless immensity of the sea.
On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 11:38 PM, Denis D.
[email protected] wrote:
The examples you gave are equivalent to
[ 1, 2, 3 ].any? { |e| e > 2 }
[ 1, 3, 5 ].all? { |e| e.odd? }
![ 1 ].any? { |e| e.zero? }
[].all? { |e| e == nil }
[].any? { |e| e == nil }
What advantages does junctions in Ruby provide over #any? and #all? ?
They are an abstraction of the code blocks, if you look at streams,
the second concept implemented in Lab419::functional we have exactly
the same pattern, delay is nothing more than a lambda.
As a matter of fact the main pleasure I have got from releasing code
in Ruby is that Ruby does all the work
and I can get the compliments, well I cannot because you have pointed
out that I have not done anything. Thank you very much 
ok seriously now: I believe that this kind of abstraction is useful,
makes code shorter and even more readable.
Is it worth a package? Well maybe not, but what are you going to tell
a perl6 guru if he asks you if Ruby got Junctions? (Proud in Ruby was
indeed a key motivation, maybe that is bad, I dunno )
Look at this example:
if a_set.any > b_set.all then
would be
if a_set.any?{ | x | b_set.all?{ | y | x > y } } then
I kind of prefer to maintain code written in the first style.
On Apr 17, 2009, at 11:17 PM, Robert D. wrote:
any(1, 2, 3) > 2 --> true
[ 1, 3, 5 ].all.odd? --> true
none( 1 ).zero? --> true
all() == nil --> true
any() == nil --> false
The examples you gave are equivalent to
[ 1, 2, 3 ].any? { |e| e > 2 }
[ 1, 3, 5 ].all? { |e| e.odd? }
![ 1 ].any? { |e| e.zero? }
[].all? { |e| e == nil }
[].any? { |e| e == nil }
What advantages does junctions in Ruby provide over #any? and #all? ?
On Apr 19, 2009, at 4:19 AM, Robert D. wrote:
Look at this example:
if a_set.any > b_set.all then
would be
if a_set.any?{ | x | b_set.all?{ | y | x > y } } then
I kind of prefer to maintain code written in the first style.
I imagine I would just do:
if a_set.max > b_set.max
# …
James Edward G. II
On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 4:27 PM, James G. [email protected]
I imagine I would just do:
if a_set.max > b_set.max
If #<=> is defined I would do the same, but that is not necessarily
the case. “>” might implement something
where ! ( !(a>b) → b>a) as e.g. superset, subset relationships. If
you are against such redefinitions, please read the example as
if a_set.any.superset?( b_set.all ) then
I wanted to make it clear that Junctions can be combined and thus
become a more powerful abstraction over relations.
Si tu veux construire un bateau …
Ne rassemble pas des hommes pour aller chercher du bois, préparer des
outils, répartir les tâches, alléger le travail… mais enseigne aux
gens la nostalgie de l’infini de la mer.
If you want to build a ship, don’t herd people together to collect
wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to
long for the endless immensity of the sea.
On 4/19/09, Robert D. [email protected] wrote:
Look at this example:
if a_set.any > b_set.all then
would be
if a_set.any?{ | x | b_set.all?{ | y | x > y } } then
Or, for the main case where this comparison makes sense:
if a_set.max > b_set.max
On Apr 18, 2009, at 4:38 PM, Denis D. wrote:
The examples you gave are equivalent to
![ 1 ].any? { |e| e.zero? }
not [1].include? 0
[].all? { |e| e == nil }
a = []
a.nitems == a.size
[].any? { |e| e == nil }
a.nitems > 0
Ruby 1.9’s Enumerable#none?() and Enumerable#one?() also help out with
tests like this.
James Edward G. II