July Phoenix Ruby U. Group Meeting
When: Monday, July 12, 2010
6:30pm door open. Laptop power and WiFi available.
7:00pm Show time
8:30pm Migrate to Four Peaks Brewery
Topic: No topic, unless someone offers to give a talk or something.
Where: Target Training International offices
17785 N. Pacesetter Way
Scottsdale AZ, 85255
Google Maps
101 Freeway to Princess Drive; 2 blocks to Pacesetter
North on Pacesetter to TTI at 17785
Park by the front entrance to the building
**** IMPORTANT ****
Meeting are now held, by default, in the front conference room.
We'll migrate to the back room if there's an overflow crowd.
If you have not been to the meeting before PLEASE view this
satellite image showing the location of the meeting room
If you get lost, call James at 480 236 4136
Discussion, food, drink:
Four Peaks Brewery, Scottsdale
Southeast corner of of Frank Lloyd Wright & Hayden
(Around the corner from McDonalds, on Hayden)
See http://www.rubyaz.org for details
The Phoenix Ruby U. Group meets at 6:30pm on the second Monday of
each month, barring holidays. Information may be found at
James B.
www.jamesbritt.com - Playing with Better Toys
www.ruby-doc.org - Ruby Help & Documentation
www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
www.neurogami.com - Smart application development