If you are using 1.4RC1 on windows, can you test this for me? (If it
I’m using JDK 6 U 13)
just do gem install json_pure . Here is my output:
C:>jruby -S gem install json_pure
‘ure’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I even tried downloading the gem and then installing it:
C:\Documents and Settings\j64lee\My Documents\Downloads>gem install
‘ure-1.1.9.gem’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
then with the file name in double quotes:
C:\Documents and Settings\j64lee\My Documents\Downloads>gem install
ERROR: could not find gem json|ure-1.1.9.gem locally or in a repository
I’m wondering if this is a jruby thing, or if I messed something up in
command prompt.
Yes, there was a regression in 1.4.0RC1, in parameter handling on
Windows (those evil BAT files).
I think I’ve already fixed that on master branch. Could you please
verify, if you can?
Yes, there was a regression in 1.4.0RC1, in parameter handling on
Windows (those evil BAT files).
I think I’ve already fixed that on master branch. Could you please
verify, if you can?
Yes, there was a regression in 1.4.0RC1, in parameter handling on
Windows (those evil BAT files).
I think I’ve already fixed that on master branch. Could you please
verify, if you can?
It works fine for me now [RC2].
Thanks for verification! Yes, we fully moved away from BAT files to
the native launcher for windows, so all those weird command line
parsing errors should be all gone for good. And no more messing with
BAT files, which is a great bonus.
Not to mention that now in Task Manager you’ll see jruby.exe, not
java.exe. Launching jruby.exe could be also much easier (and 3x-4x
timest faster) then jruby shell launcher on Cygwin environments.
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