I haven’t gotten a chance to drill down into this yet, but I’m going
to throw it out in case it brings something obvious to anyone’s mind.
We have some JRuby/Rails apps which were previously deployed into
Tomcat with Goldspike/Warbler-0.9.3. When I switched them over to
Warbler-0.9.9/jruby-rack-0.9 we’re all of a sudden seeing problems
with redirects incorrectly switching from https to http.
For example, a controller action that was reached through https://
ourdomain.com/controller_a/action_a does a redirect_to url_for
(:controller=>‘controller_a,’ :action => ‘action_b’). The actual
redirect location sent to the browser winds up as http://
ourdomain.com/controller_a/action_b with the wrong protocol.
Sorry for the generic example. I’ll try to isolate this down to
something more concrete in a few days.
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