My system is:
Ubuntu 10.04, JRuby 1.6.7, Ruby on Rails 3.0.9,
activerecord-jdbc-adapter 1.2.2, activerecord-jdbcderby-adapter
Up until a few days ago, “rake test:units” was working fine, but now
suddenly it fails with the following message:
Task not supported by ‘jdbc’ <<–same msg for ‘jdbcsqlite3’ and ‘derby’
Tasks: TOP => db:test:load => db:test:purge
I tried this using derby, jdbcsqlite and jdbc, all fail with the same
message. I assume it is environment related, as the same code in another
Ubuntu machine (11.10) runs just fine. I compared gem versions and they
are the same in both machines.
Has anyone faced this problem before and can suggest a solution or