JRuby namespace error?


I am new at playing with JRuby, as part of my initial testing I have
attempted to package a program I wrote into a jar file. I have been able
to get it to run, but it seems java is resolving a namespace in the
wrong way (this works when running with ruby directly and even when
running with jruby).

The error I get is:

uninitialized constant AWS::S3::Connection::OpenSSL (NameError)
aws/s3/connection.rb:102:in `create_connection’

aws/s3/connection.rb:102 looks like this:

1 module AWS
2 module S3
3 class Connection #:nodoc:

99 def create_connection
100 http = http_class.new(options[:server], options[:port])
101 http.use_ssl = !options[:use_ssl].nil? || options[:port] == 443
102 http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
103 http
104 end

So it seems OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE is being look up at
AWS:S3::Connection, instead of the top level OpenSSL namespace.

This only happens when I package everything in a jar and run it as:

java -cp test.jar:jopenssl.jar test

test.jar was created by copying jruby-complete.jar and adding my classes
like this:

jrubyc * (which includes the aws directory)
jar uf …/test.jar *

Anyone has any clue what I’m doing wrong?


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Pablo F. wrote:

uninitialized constant AWS::S3::Connection::OpenSSL (NameError)
101 http.use_ssl = !options[:use_ssl].nil? || options[:port] == 443

test.jar was created by copying jruby-complete.jar and adding my classes
like this:

jrubyc * (which includes the aws directory)
jar uf …/test.jar *

It looks like it’s not finding the OpenSSL module, which is defined in
the various .rb files include with OpenSSL. Have you included those in
your app?

  • Charlie

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