I’ve got a serious problem with JRuby.
There is a program called SISSy in a sissy.jar that needs access to
rt.jar. On a Mac, rt.jar is split up into classes.jar and ui.jar. These
jar’s are already referenced and included in sissy.jar. I can run
with no problems from the command-line.
require “lib/sissy/classes.jar”
require “lib/sissy/ui.jar”
require “lib/sissy/sissy.jar”
import “de.fzi.sissy.Main”
Main.main main_args.to_java(:String)
It doesn’t work, because this main-class says:
“Error: Problem with system setup: Cannot locate system classes”
This means, it cannot access ui.jar and classes.jar.
Is there are special jruby-trick for embedded/inner jars?
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