I am absolutely thrilled to announce that JRuby has been accepted as
an organization for Google Summer of Code 2012!
JRuby is already an excellent project, but as a student or mentor you
can help make it even more amazing! We’re soliciting ideas and looking
for good students and mentors that want to make those ideas happen.
You can view our current ideas page here:
Information on applying as a student or mentor is available at the
“melange” page above.
We’re open to all crazy ideas, but ultimately only a few will get in.
Let’s make them count, and make JRuby go places nobody ever expected
it to go 
wow, congrats!
On 2012-03-17, at 9:46 AM, Charles Oliver N. wrote:
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(2012/03/17 17:46), Charles Oliver N. wrote:
I am absolutely thrilled to announce that JRuby has been accepted as
an organization for Google Summer of Code 2012!
I see an idea “eventmachine’s TLS/SSL support” in Wiki. The current
C-eventmachine’s SSL support is not enough to call “it supports SSL”
because it cannot verify peer’s certificate correctly. I hope I have a
time (or a job?) for fixing it (C-eventmachine + C-openssl) but it need
whole SSL code rewriting…
So for JRuby, it would not be a problem from compatibility, but also it
could be a strong point of J-eventmachine against C-eventmachine.
I’ll add this to the Wiki if this kind of negative comment when
brainstorming is done 
Best regards,
Hiroshi N.
You can pretty easily do this already right? Do you mean something that
wraps up the fact that you are even using Java classes?
irb(main):001:0> require ‘java’
=> true
irb(main):002:0> s = java.util.LinkedHashSet.new
=> #Java::JavaUtil::LinkedHashSet:0x103c37f4
irb(main):003:0> s << 2
=> #Java::JavaUtil::LinkedHashSet:0x103c37f4
irb(main):004:0> s << 3
=> #Java::JavaUtil::LinkedHashSet:0x103c37f4
irb(main):005:0> s << 2
=> #Java::JavaUtil::LinkedHashSet:0x103c37f4
irb(main):006:0> s << 4
=> #Java::JavaUtil::LinkedHashSet:0x103c37f4
irb(main):007:0> s.to_s
=> “[2, 3, 4]”
Wrapping them directly with Java integration works, but it does have
some overhead from having to transition across that boundary every
One project I’ve been really interested in seeing would be making
JRuby’s Hash impl work with any Java Map. I did some prototypes of it,
but it needs someone to sit down and work through all the issues. The
benefit there is that in the same Hash interface we could back it with
LinkedHashMap, ConcurrentHashMap, or any of the other Map
implementations out there, and avoid the Java integration overhead
across the board.
A bonus would be to do the same thing for Array, so it could be backed
by anything implementing Java’s List.
anybody know if there is a gem that wraps java’s native wrapper classes,
like LinkedHashSet? That might be a useful idea…