More details on the wiki:
same method as BSF. Consequently, the difference would be very small,
or JRuby engine might be slower than BSF because JRuby engine does
more in every eval invocation to fulfill the API requirements.
Hi Yoko,
I looked into this difference further and discovered an error in my
Inocation using JSR223 is much slower than using BSF which is slower
than using JRuby directly. At least part of this is due to the fact
that using jruby-engine.1.1.6 and creating a new
JRubyScriptEngineManager actually creates two separate JRuby
instances. Running this:
JRubyScriptEngineManager manager = new JRubyScriptEngineManager();
Sepaate JRuby instances are in the manager.nameMap, one keyed to
‘jruby’ and one to ‘ruby’.
This means that invoking a JRuby instance with
JRubyScriptEngineManager takes at least twice a long as it should.
If it is intentional that there are two entries in the map (‘jruby’
and ‘ruby’) could the creation be optimized so that they each point
to the same jruby instance?
I set up these tests because I have a separate program that has a
memory leak when I instantiate about 15 BSF jruby invocations
sequentially (the leak does not yet show up in these tests).
In my test I intended to setup a loop where a ruby instance was
created and evaluated each time through the loop – the GC getting
rid of the previous Ruby instance.
These two statements that were in my loop in the JSR223 test use the
same JRuby instance each time but the manager.getEngineByName
statement does not create a new JRub instance – it just uses the one
that was already created.
ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName(“jruby”);
engine.eval(“ { rand(256)
There is nothing wrong of course with using a JRuby instance over and
over but that is not what I was intending to test.
The code for all he following tests is located here:
Here are the results when testing JSR223 and the creation of a new
manager using JRubyScriptEngineManager is inside the loop
JRuby JSR223 invocation test
Iterations: 500
Total Elapsed Time (ms): 179205
Initial Invocation (ms): 1813
Average Invocation (ms): 355.4
Minimum Invocation (ms): 119
Maximum Invocation (ms): 1143
Here the comparable data for BSF:
JRuby BSF invocation test
Iterations: 500
Total Elapsed Time (ms): 61665
Initial Invocation (ms): 1718
Average Invocation (ms): 120.0
Minimum Invocation (ms): 33
Maximum Invocation (ms): 1603
And the equivalent data for direct JRuby invocation:
JRuby Direct Embedding invocation test
Iterations: 500
Total Elapsed Time (ms): 41343
Initial Invocation (ms): 1717
Average Invocation (ms): 79.3
Minimum Invocation (ms): 53
Maximum Invocation (ms): 199
FYI: It would be much easier for me to send you a patch if the
jruby-engine code was in a newer SCM repository (svn, git, hg) than
in CVS.
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