JRuby behind Apache

This question gets asked a lot, so I wrote up a quick blog post
describing how to put JRuby + Rails or Merb or whatever behind an Apache

Suggestions welcome. I think there’s probably a lot of people who would
prefer this deployment over an app server.

  • Charlie

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Yeah were in the process of setting this up, how does this effect
cache_page. In a typical setup mod_rewrite will grab the pages before it
gets to the rails stack entirely.

On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Charles Oliver N. <

Matthew K. wrote:

Yeah were in the process of setting this up, how does this effect
cache_page. In a typical setup mod_rewrite will grab the pages before it
gets to the rails stack entirely.

I guarantee you already know more than I do. My sole purpose by posting
the article was to show that hooking JRuby up to anything is a really
simple process.

I’d love to work with you on a really nice walkthrough for a solid
Apache setup.

  • Charlie

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