On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 8:10 AM, Hassan S.
<[email protected]
I vaguely recall some apparent caching problems with Tomcat, but IIRC
it involved accidentally starting a second instance, which wasn’t actually
listening to anything because the first had the port(s) already. In any
Hmmm, this could definitely be something. It didn’t even cross my mind
this might be the issue, but the background task that I have set up
tends to
execute twice in a row. I’ve looked around trying to find what might be
causing it but haven’t had any luck. Any thoughts on where dig?
Here’s some more info: Tomcat 5.5.17 running on redhat enterprise 5.4.
5.5.17 is very old - you should definitely upgrade to the latest 5.5.x or
6.0 version (for security reasons as well). Also, is this a Tomcat from
tomcat.apache.org or an RH package-mangled version? If the latter,
they’re almost always broken. And what JVM+version are you using?
Yeah, I know. Unfortunately, I don’t have control over the software on
servers. I’ll lobby for a more recent version. I also don’t know what
package it was installed with. I’ll check and see what I can find out.
and we’re using java 1.5.0_21. Thanks for the pointers.
is JRuby 1.3.1 and Rails 2.3.5 (happened also on 2.3.4). I’m deploying
war by dropping it into tomcat’s webapps directory, copying it over the
previous version.
You might want to try an explicit undeploy first and watch the log files
to make sure that’s clean.
When you explicit undeploy do you mean through the tomcat manager? I’ve
attempted that with similar results to just dropping that war,
actually coming from as I don’t log to catalina.out from my application.
- yeah, it would be good to make sure you can get an absolutely
clean Tomcat startup/shutdown. What other applications are on
this server? Presumably at least something deployed as ROOT,
Yes, there are multiple other applications deployed in the webapps
(all wars are in the same directory). The Rails site is the application
deployed at the context’s root (is that what you mean?). All the other
have context paths matching their war. Sorry if I’m not understanding,
no expert on Tomcat deployment.
All those ! are strange, for sure. I would check the other deployed
Also, if you’re not already using it, install Lambda Probe
http://www.lambdaprobe.org/ to get a bit more visibility into what
your server and apps are doing.
Didn’t know about lambdaprobe. That looks great. Thanks! The
points are definitely coming from the rails app (or at least they only
when that app is hit/active), but they’ve got me completely stumped.
try pulling the other wars and attempt to get a clean startup/shutdown
tomcat with just the jruby stuff running to see if I can get a clean
environment to try and figure this out.
That’s a start, at least 
Thanks again! Might take me a few days to get through all this as this
isn’t my primary project at the moment, but I’ll report back with what I