JRuby and linear equations

Dear all,

can you recommend a good and fast way of calculating the solutions
of linear equations in JRuby, including singular value decompositions of
matrices (Singular value decomposition - Wikipedia) ?

Thank you very much!

Best regards,


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There are two packages for Java:


I’d go for Colt. If it’s good enough for CERN it should be good enough
for everyone :slight_smile:

2009/10/18 Axel E. [email protected]:


Viele Grüße / Best regards, Björn Wilmsmann
Geschäftsführer / CEO

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Björn Wilmsmann wrote:

There are two packages for Java:

JAMA: Java Matrix Package

I’d go for Colt. If it’s good enough for CERN it should be good enough
for everyone :slight_smile:

latest change on Colt == Sep 10, 2004.
last change on Jama == July 13, 2005

no-one doing serious numerical work, uses Java. almost by definition.
and both of these packages, seem to be fragile/underdeveloped.

Since FFI works with Jruby, I’d be inclined to roll your own limited
linear algebra toolkit. take a look at linalg.rubyforge.org to see how
this was done with MRI 1.8

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2009/10/19 john casu [email protected]:

latest change on Colt == Sep 10, 2004.
last change on Jama == July 13, 2005

no-one doing serious numerical work, uses Java. almost by definition. and
both of these packages, seem to be fragile/underdeveloped.

Well, the basics of linear algebra like matrix operations are pretty
stable. These are more or less standard operations like + or - so
there’s no reason why there should be ongoing development in this area
if the existing software works correctly, which it probably does if
CERN uses it.

Viele Grüße / Best regards,
Björn Wilmsmann

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