The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby 1.7.3
Alert Please note the primary reason for putting out 1.7.3 was to
address two security issues. Everyone should upgrade to 1.7.3 (details
on security issues below).
Note: This was a condensed release due to wanting to put out security
fixes. If the bugs you are waiting for have not been fixed we will be
fixing them for 1.7.4.
JRuby 1.7.3 is our third update release since JRuby 1.7.0. The primary
goal of 1.7 point releases is to fill out any missing compatibility
issues with Ruby 1.9.3. The community participation lately has been
great. Keep reporting issues and sending pull requests.
Changes of note:
Security fix (no CVE) for DOS using entity expansion in REXML
Security fix (CVE-2013-0269) for unsafe object creation using JSON
Relicensed from CPL to EPL
Fixed one regression in windows java native launcher
A few encoding issues resolved
42 issues fixed for 1.7.3
Note: These next two sections are write-ups by Aaron P. on the
security issues. JRuby 1.7.3 fixes both of these issues. You only need
to be aware of workarounds if it is impossible for you to update JRuby
to version 1.7.3.
==Rexml DOS Fix
When reading text nodes from an XML document, the REXML parser can be
coerced in to allocating extremely large string objects which can
consume all of the memory on a machine, causing a denial of service.
Impacted code will look something like this:
document = some_xml_doc
When the text method is called, entities will be expanded. An attacker
can send a relatively small XML document that, when the entities are
resolved, will consume extreme amounts of memory on the target system.
Note that this attack is similar to, but different from the Billion
Laughs attack. This is also related to CVE-2013-1664.
All users running an affected release should either upgrade or use one
of the work arounds immediately.
If you cannot upgrade Ruby, use this monkey patch as a workaround:
class REXML::Document
@@entity_expansion_text_limit = 10_240
def self.entity_expansion_text_limit=( val )
@@entity_expansion_text_limit = val
def self.entity_expansion_text_limit
class REXML::Text
def self.unnormalize(string, doctype=nil, filter=nil, illegal=nil)
sum = 0
string.gsub( /\r\n?/, "\n" ).gsub( REFERENCE ) {
s = self.expand($&, doctype, filter)
if sum + s.bytesize >
raise “entity expansion has grown too large”
sum += s.bytesize
def self.expand(ref, doctype, filter)
if ref[1] == ?#
if ref[2] == ?x
elsif ref == '&'
elsif filter and filter.include?( ref[1...-1] )
elsif doctype
doctype.entity( ref[1...-1] ) or ref
entity_value = DocType::DEFAULT_ENTITIES[ ref[1...-1] ]
entity_value ? entity_value.value : ref
This monkey patch will limit the size of the entity substitutions to
10k per node. REXML already defaults to only allow 10000 entity
substitutions per document, so the maximum amount of text that can be
generated by entity substitution will be around 98 megabytes.
JSON Security Fix CVE-2013-0269
When parsing certain JSON documents, the JSON gem can be coerced in to
creating Ruby symbols in a target system. Since Ruby symbols are not
garbage collected, this can result in a denial of service attack.
The same technique can be used to create objects in a target system
that act like internal objects. These act alike objects can be used
to bypass certain security mechanisms and can be used as a spring
board for SQL injection attacks in Ruby on Rails.
Impacted code looks like this:
Where the user_input variable will have a JSON document like this:
The JSON gem will attempt to look up the constant foo. Looking up
this constant will create a symbol.
In JSON version 1.7.x, objects with arbitrary attributes can be
created using JSON documents like this:
This document will result in an instance of JSON::GenericObject, with
the attribute foo that has the value bar. Instantiating these
objects will result in arbitrary symbol creation and in some cases can
be used to bypass security measures.
PLEASE NOTE: this behavior does not change when using JSON.load.
JSON.load should never be given input from unknown sources. If you are
processing JSON from an unknown source, always use JSON.parse.
All users running an affected release should either upgrade or use one
of the work arounds immediately.
For users that cannot upgrade, please use the attached patches. If you
cannot use the attached patches, change your code from this:
To this:
JSON.parse(json, :create_additions => false)
If you cannot change the usage of JSON.parse (for example youre using
a gem which depends on JSON.parse like multi_json), then apply this
monkey patch:
module JSON
class << self
alias :old_parse :parse
def parse(json, args = {})
args[:create_additions] = false
old_parse(json, args)
Jira Issues resolved for 1.7.3
JRUBY-7058 - NPE in BiVariableMap.getLocalVarNames() after clear()
JRUBY-6887 - Thread.current.object_id inside an Enumerator is
different from outside it
JRUBY-7048 - Kernel#gsub is not available when -p/-n command line
option specified.
JRUBY-7068 - should accept any number of arguments
JRUBY-7069 - Dir.home(nil) should be my home
JRUBY-7079 - Uninitialized constant NameError should store a
symbol and not a string
JRUBY-6793 - Update bouncycastle jars to the latest version. (1.47)
JRUBY-7081 - Thread.current does not remain consistent between
JRUBY-7091 - Infinity should not be roundable
JRUBY-7035 - Rails 4 master doesn’t start on JRuby 1.7.1
JRUBY-7001 - maven jruby-rake-plugin classpath goal fails on windows
JRUBY-7084 - Interaction between oh-my-zsh configuration and jruby
shell script
Github Issues resolved for 1.7.3
#537 - Add the complete text of the Eclipse Public License
#536 - Fix occasionally failing spec.
#534 - Fix Enumerable#find_each block arity
#533 - Default indy off for early IBM Java 7 releases #477
#532 - Current head switches on +indy before 1.7update14
#529 - Combination of Enumerable#each_slice and Array#transpose
raises TypeError
#528 - fix samples/mvm.rb
#526 - Move to EPL from CPL
#525 - Unexpected behaviour of Enumerator#find_index
with block
(1.9 mode and HEAD)
#519 - nailgun missing in src package
#518 - Fix typos in “1.9/io/console.rb”
#517 - Rational/Float/Fixnum/Bignum .to_s.encoding
#516 - krypt is not 1.8-compatible
#512 - Update json to 1.7.6
#511 - tty issue with drip
#508 - added Junit test to help fixing bug #7058
#506 - throw stringifies the name
#504 - Infinite loop (or performance issue) writing using
#494 - FFI::MemoryPointer#free may cause JVM crashes
#492 - Add missing throw to default_internal=.
#485 - Resolve #482 Array#zip with infinite enum results in OOM
#482 - Combination of Array#zip and Array#cycle result in OOM
#479 - Fix write loss on concurrent ivar table growth
#477 - IBM J9 VM should also have INVOKEDYNAMIC_DEFAULT = false
#470 - Bignum#div raise ZeroDivisionError if the argument is Float
#466 - Bunch of fixes for IO.copy_stream
#465 - Add const_get to java package Fixes #435
#464 - [rfc] Support unmarshaling hashes created in MRI 1.9.1 with
US-ASCII strings
#457 - Accept Encoding object for Encoding.compatible?
#435 - support for const_get() in java_package_module_template