Jruby 1.7.2 on win x64 trouble

Has anybody has any difficulty getting jruby 1.7.2 to run on windows
x64? Can’t seem to get it working with any combination of x32 jruby +
x32 java, x64 jruby + x64 java…

Hmm. There appears to be a different logic detecting the JRE based on
JAVA_HOME in x64 than in x32. I had my JAVA_HOME variable set to the
“\jre” directory, and this was not picked up properly by the x64
launcher as it used to. Notice the difference in the two attempts the
launcher makes to find the JRE:

On x32 machine:

  1. checkJava(‘c:\ibm-java\60r11\jre’, ‘\jre’)

  2. checkJava(‘c:\ibm-java\60r11\jre’, ‘’)

On x64 machine:

  1. checkJava(‘c:\ibm-java.x64\60r11\jre’, ‘\jre’)
  2. checkJava(’’, ‘’)

This appears to be the case whether I install the x64 or x32 version of

Matt H.

Matt H. wrote in post #1092742:

Hmm. There appears to be a different logic detecting the JRE based on
JAVA_HOME in x64 than in x32. I had my JAVA_HOME variable set to the
“\jre” directory, and this was not picked up properly by the x64
launcher as it used to. Notice the difference in the two attempts the
launcher makes to find the JRE:

Maybe file a trac item?
http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-6696 also exists…

Aha. I think I can at least explain this. Our jruby-launcher is a
native executable which tries and DLL load JVM and it is only 32 bits.
We have not 64 bit version at the moment. So when trying to launch
64 bit version of JVM we build up a command line and basically exec
that built up command line.

It would appear the codepaths are not trying the exact same
combinations. This is definitely a bug. Apparently many folks are
switching from 32 to 64 bits recently based on the number of reports
in the last couple of weeks.


On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 2:15 AM, Matt H. [email protected] wrote:

On x64 machine:

Has anybody has any difficulty getting jruby 1.7.2 to run on windows x64?
Can’t seem to get it working with any combination of x32 jruby + x32 java,
x64 jruby + x64 java…

Matt H.

blog: http://blog.enebo.com twitter: tom_enebo
mail: [email protected]