JRuby 1.6.5 Released

The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby 1.6.5.

Homepage: http://www.jruby.org/
Download: http://www.jruby.org/download

The primary goal of the 1.6.x series is to round out our 1.9 support
by fixing any reported incompatibilities. Of course, as with any JRuby
release, we will continue fixing any found incompatibilities and also
improve performance. All users of 1.6.4 (and lower) are encouraged to
upgrade to 1.6.5.
Notable Changes:

Many 1.9 encoding issues resolved
.jrubyrc support for storing convenient execution options
New cext.enabled property to turn off only C extentions but not

native support
C extension support now uses less memory
Updated to Rubygems 1.8.9
-rjruby/thread_dump adds a USR2 Ruby thread dumper
Improved peformance interacting directly with Java Maps
Improved fiber performance and support for JVM coroutines
Improved zlib support
36 Issues resolved

1.6.5 Issues Resolved:

JRUBY-5324 StringScanner should be 1.9 aware
JRUBY-5499 Update to rubygems 1.5.2 since 1.5.0 has severe bugs
JRUBY-5735 I18n handling of Rails 3.0 differs between 1.9 and 1.8

compatibility mode
JRUBY-5758 bundler not working in jruby 1.6.1 (ruby-1.9.2-p136)
works in 1.8 mode
JRUBY-5763 Encoding::CompatibilityError with UTF-8 encoded ERB
JRUBY-5778 net http and gzip decompression in 1.9
JRUBY-5793 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException installing
chicken_little gem
JRUBY-5794 1.9: Bundler fails to install certain gems from github
JRUBY-5861 Installing gems that have unicode characters in the
gemspec cause an error in 1.9 mode
JRUBY-5885 java.util.Map#[]= is up to 20 times slower than #put
JRUBY-5927 JRuby in 1.9 mode fails text-hyphens test/test_bugs.rb
the same way that 1.8 mode does
JRUBY-5946 IO.select is returning write array with nil elements
JRUBY-5994 Bad performance using hash accessors on ConcurrentMap
JRUBY-6017 Undocumented windowBits feature of Zlib::Infrate/Deflate
JRUBY-6019 A Ruby instance is not fully unregistered from the
BeanManager on teardown
JRUBY-6030 After calling const_set, setting const name didnt set
JRUBY-6031 ActiveRecord::JDBCError in JRuby 1.6.4
JRUBY-6034 NullPointerException at RubyProc.java:248
JRUBY-6036 REXML fails on XML with UTF-8-chars on jruby in 1.9-mode
JRUBY-6049 Bignum#[] returns an incorrect result when Bignum is
JRUBY-6050 Fixnum#[] blows when small Bignum is given
JRUBY-6053 [1].pack(b2) returns an 1-length string
JRUBY-6060 NKF converts strings into wrong encoding
JRUBY-6064 Builder gem incompatible in 1.9 mode
JRUBY-6070 TCPSocket#new issues with local_addr and local_port
JRUBY-6075 ant dist fails on both master and jruby-1_6 branches
JRUBY-6077 Allow loading a Ruby source file from the class path
using the fully qualified name
JRUBY-6079 gherkin.lexer.LexingError running cucumber example
i18n/it jruby using compatibilty mode 1.9
JRUBY-6101 JSR 223 code execution breaks with JRuby 1.6.4/1.6.3
with no error message
JRUBY-6108 bin/jruby script has incompatible bourne shell syntax
JRUBY-6116 Errors on String#lines
JRUBY-6118 Dir.glob duplicate folder names
JRUBY-6135 CASEFOLD systems magically screw up globs with . or … in
JRUBY-6139 JRuby 1.9 mode encoding problem on to_yaml method
JRUBY-6141 All MatchData objects resulting from an invocation of
String#scan are updated with the current match
JRUBY-6144 1.9 RubySpec failures on BEGIN

On Oct 25, 2011, at 11:37 AM, Thomas E Enebo wrote:

The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby 1.6.5.

Congratulations on another release! The work you guys do make my work
possible. I appreciate it very much.

Are there plans to continue the 1.6 series or will the next release be
1.7 with invokedynamic goodness?


We will likely have one more 1.6.x release, but it depends on our
schedule to getting 1.7 out. Even if 1.7.0 came out eariler we will
still have 1.6.6.


On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 12:30 PM, Chuck R. [email protected]

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1.7 is end of yearish/early next year. 1.6.6 should be ~1month.
These are very rough estimates though and may change as reality does.


On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:44 PM, simon harrison

On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 6:37 PM, Thomas E Enebo [email protected]

Notable Changes:

Many 1.9 encoding issues resolved
.jrubyrc support for storing convenient execution options

Thanks again for this great release. I am now also testing jruby on

Any pointers on how to use .jrubyrc ? I could not find any.

Thanks in advance.


Thanks Thomas (and all others). Been checking ever since you said “1.6.5
coming soon” on website. Any idea how long until 1.7.0?

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 1:18 AM, Christian MICHON
[email protected] wrote:

Thanks again for this great release. I am now also testing jruby on win7/64bits.

Any pointers on how to use .jrubyrc ? I could not find any.

I added a wiki page for it:

  • Charlie

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 12:04 PM, Charles Oliver N.
[email protected] wrote:

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 1:18 AM, Christian MICHON
[email protected] wrote:

Thanks again for this great release. I am now also testing jruby on

Any pointers on how to use .jrubyrc ? I could not find any.

I added a wiki page for it: ConfiguringJRuby · jruby/jruby Wiki · GitHub

  • Charlie

Thanks Charles.


The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby 1.6.5.

Thanks again.

Jruby is the only ruby that (for me) feels stable in windows and has a
GUI that is easily cross-platform for distribution, so it’s practically
the only thing I use anymore, except simple scripts.

Roger P. wrote in post #1028879:

The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby 1.6.5.

Thanks again.

Jruby is the only ruby that (for me) feels stable in windows and has a
GUI that is easily cross-platform for distribution, so it’s practically
the only thing I use anymore, except simple scripts.

And JRuby’s great for simple automation scripting.

I love that I can slap something like this on PATH to quickly convert
DTDs to XSD/RNGs. More comment chatter than code :slight_smile:

@echo off
set PATH=C:\jruby\bin;%PATH%

jruby -x %~f0 %*
exit /b

$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(ENV[‘USERPROFILE’], ‘.groovy’, ‘lib’)

require ‘java’
require ‘trang’

java_import com.thaiopensource.relaxng.translate.Driver

SQS_VERSION = ‘0.7.9’
Schema Quicksilver v#{SQS_VERSION} - schema converter
usage: sqs INPUT OUTPUT

where INPUT can be one of:
.rng RELAX NG (XML syntax)
.rnc RELAX NG (compact syntax)
.dtd XML 1.0 DTD
.xml XML doc to infer schema from

and OUTPUT can be one of:
.rng RELAX NG (XML syntax)
.rnc RELAX NG (compact syntax)
.dtd XML 1.0 DTD
.xsd W3C XML Schema

abort USAGE if ARGV.length < 2

puts “[CONVERT] #{ARGV[0]} → #{ARGV[1]}”

Very cool that you can reach into an executable JAR and call the right
method rather than using system Probably need to look at how fast MRI

JRuby’s great on Windows, thanks for another fantastic release! Looking
forward to what the 1.7 series brings.


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twitter: @jonforums