JRuby 1.5.5 Released

The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby 1.5.5.

(Note: Due to a showstopper bug found after the release of the
jruby-jars gem and
the inability to remove gem releases from rubygems.org we have skipped
from 1.5.3 to 1.5.5. The 1.5.5 release is the same release that would
been 1.5.4 had we been able to re-release jruby-jars.)

JRuby 1.5.5 is a minor follow-up release to address problems executing
some commands on Windows, a couple of Marshalling discrepancies with
MRI, and
a few other random production-affecting issues. We also improved the
and accuracy of --profile (try it out). All users of JRuby 1.5.3 are
recommended to upgrade to 1.5.5.

1.5.5 Issues Resolved:

  • JRUBY-4766 Updated jaffl for YourKit compatibility
  • JRUBY-4865 Ant.load_from_ant is broken on Windows
  • JRUBY-4940 Cucumber Japanese example raises exception on JRuby
  • JRUBY-5064 Marshalled ruby hash gets loaded incorrectly
  • JRUBY-5110 kernel.system not working in 1.5.3 on Windows
  • JRUBY-5112 Cannot run ‘jruby -S rake test’ for Rails project on
    Windows in 1.5.3
  • JRUBY-5122 Webrick socket.readline causes 100% cpu usage
  • JRUBY-5123 Marshal dump format error and inconsistencies with MRI
  • JRUBY-5132 java.awt.Component.instance_of?() expects 2 args
  • JRUBY-5133 Backtick operator does not work on Windows in 1.5.3
  • JRUBY-5138 requiring ‘ffi’ defines class method :error on Module
  • JRUBY-5168 Can’t include interfaces in a synchronized class

I didn’t know you couldn’t yank then reupload a gem version. Good to

On 11/10/2010 08:06 AM, Thomas E Enebo wrote:

We also improved the output
and accuracy of --profile (try it out).

What output are we supposed to see? I just installed 1.5.5 and --profile
doesn’t seem to generate anything.

$ jruby -v
jruby 1.5.5 (ruby 1.8.7 patchlevel 249) (2010-11-10 4bd4200) (Java
HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_22) [amd64-java]

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 1:11 PM, Joel VanderWerf
[email protected] wrote:

What output are we supposed to see? I just installed 1.5.5 and --profile
doesn’t seem to generate anything.

$ jruby -v
jruby 1.5.5 (ruby 1.8.7 patchlevel 249) (2010-11-10 4bd4200) (Java
HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_22) [amd64-java]

Yeah, sorry about that. There’s an update to the jruby-launcher gem
(our native executable) that has not gotten released yet. If you like
you can build it yourself from the repo at
GitHub - vvs/jruby-launcher: Native windows launcher for JRuby (make ; cp jruby /bin) to
get the new --profile flag.

Catching up from the conference backlog these past couple months :slight_smile:

  • Charlie

On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 12:50 AM, Charles Oliver N.
[email protected] wrote:

(our native executable) that has not gotten released yet. If you like
you can build it yourself from the repo at
GitHub - vvs/jruby-launcher: Native windows launcher for JRuby (make ; cp jruby /bin) to
get the new --profile flag.

Catching up from the conference backlog these past couple months :slight_smile:

Actually, all you need to do is “gem install jruby-launcher” to get
the new version.


On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 2:58 PM, Joel VanderWerf
[email protected] wrote:

On 11/19/2010 09:55 AM, Nick S. wrote:

Actually, all you need to do is “gem install jruby-launcher” to get
the new version.

Thanks! Should this be installed with MRI gem, or jruby gem ?

JRuby! It will compile the native launcher for your system and install
it on top of the existing shell script in $JRUBY_HOME/bin.


On 11/19/2010 09:55 AM, Nick S. wrote:

Actually, all you need to do is “gem install jruby-launcher” to get
the new version.

Thanks! Should this be installed with MRI gem, or jruby gem ?

On 11/19/2010 03:23 PM, Nick S. wrote:

JRuby! It will compile the native launcher for your system and install
it on top of the existing shell script in $JRUBY_HOME/bin.

Works now, thanks!

I’m looking at the output from both --profile and --sample. It seems
that --profile measures only jruby methods, and --sample measures only
java functions. (Or maybe --sample would show some of the jruby methods
if they were taking enough time to be observed at a tick. My program is
much more heavily bottlenecked in the java side at the moment.)

Is there any possibility of --profile instrumenting both jruby and java

On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 5:56 PM, Joel VanderWerf
[email protected] wrote:

I’m looking at the output from both --profile and --sample. It seems that
–profile measures only jruby methods, and --sample measures only java
functions. (Or maybe --sample would show some of the jruby methods if they
were taking enough time to be observed at a tick. My program is much more
heavily bottlenecked in the java side at the moment.)

Is there any possibility of --profile instrumenting both jruby and java

Currently, no. Because Ruby dispatches differently than Java,
including both in the same profile is at least difficult, and maybe
impossible. Liken it to wanting to show profile results for both Ruby
and C (or C++, C#, ObjC) in other implementations, when Ruby method
dispatch is actually implemented in those native languages. The two
worlds are largely separate.


If you are able to force all Ruby code to compile before invocation
(using -X+C to force all files to compile or -Xjit.threshold=1 to
force all methods to compile on first invocation) normal Java
profiling tools will show the compiled Ruby method bodies alongside
regular Java method bodies. Be forewarned, however…as with any C or
C+±based implementation that JITs Ruby code to native code, the
resulting method are “mangled” a bit, and you’ll have to do some
manual chewing to interpret them. But at least you can use any of the
dozens of Java profiling tools and show results for both Ruby and Java
at the same time. If there’s interest, I could try to do a screencast
of how to do this with various JVM profilers (such as the built-in

➔ jruby -J-Xrunhprof:cpu=times -e “def foo; a = 0; while a < 1000; a
+= 1; end; end; 100.times { foo }”
Dumping CPU usage by timing methods … done.

Result, buried in a java.hprof.txt file: 728666’s gists · GitHub

Here, the “ruby.dash_e.method__0$RUBY$foo” method is the jitted
version of the “foo” method defined above.

Now, on JRuby 1.6, it may be possible to take this mangled output and
at least do a cleanup pass (because we have standardized the mangling
a bit better), but the profiling output is very tool-specific…so
de-mangling would have to happen on a per-tool basis

Another option would be the JXInsight tool
(http://www.jinspired.com/products/jxinsight/), which has builtin
support for profiling Ruby (and may make it possible to combine Ruby
and Java results in the same output. It is, however, a commercial

  • Charlie